Generally transplantation is defined as the replacement of diseased tissue or organs of an individual by healthy ones. Transplantation of healthy tissues or organs is achieved by the process of surgery. During transplantation, recipient (the individual in or onto which new healthy tissues or organs are tansplanted tissue or organs are tansplanted) develops some antibodies. Therefore, new transplanted tissues or organs are not easily accepted by the recipient which are regarded as antigens. The antibodies developed inside the body of recipient act against the new transplanted part and cause destruction.
Sometime tissues from one area are transplanted to another area of the same individual. For example skin from thigh is called autograft. If the tissues are transplanted from the identical twins such a process is called isograft e.g. kidney of one of the twins when transplanted to another one. Isograft generally involves the transplantation of the body parts in between individuals of the same species which are also identical genetically (e.g. twins).
If the transplantation is carried out between genetically different individuals of the same species, it is called allograft. Blood transfusion from one person to another person is an example of allograft which is very common now-a-days. But, if the tissue or organs are transplanted from individual of one species to the individual of other, it is regarded as xenograft.
We have already discussed that the recipient develops antibodies against the transplanted tissue or organs. This is the immune power of the body. But the production of antibodies by the recipient can be suppressed by utilizing different methods which is called immunosupperssion. The agent that causes immunosuppression is called immunosuppressant.
Immunosuppressant causes the inhibition of body’s normal immune power so that the recipient is succeptible to all other kinds of infections. A special kind of immune suppressant should be developed that shows effects on the specific immune response, not to the whole immnune system of the body.
Such immune response to destroy transplanted organs or tissues can also be reduced by the exposure of bone marrow and lymph tissue to x-irradiation.
Sometime tissues from one area are transplanted to another area of the same individual. For example skin from thigh is called autograft. If the tissues are transplanted from the identical twins such a process is called isograft e.g. kidney of one of the twins when transplanted to another one. Isograft generally involves the transplantation of the body parts in between individuals of the same species which are also identical genetically (e.g. twins).
If the transplantation is carried out between genetically different individuals of the same species, it is called allograft. Blood transfusion from one person to another person is an example of allograft which is very common now-a-days. But, if the tissue or organs are transplanted from individual of one species to the individual of other, it is regarded as xenograft.
We have already discussed that the recipient develops antibodies against the transplanted tissue or organs. This is the immune power of the body. But the production of antibodies by the recipient can be suppressed by utilizing different methods which is called immunosupperssion. The agent that causes immunosuppression is called immunosuppressant.
Immunosuppressant causes the inhibition of body’s normal immune power so that the recipient is succeptible to all other kinds of infections. A special kind of immune suppressant should be developed that shows effects on the specific immune response, not to the whole immnune system of the body.
Such immune response to destroy transplanted organs or tissues can also be reduced by the exposure of bone marrow and lymph tissue to x-irradiation.
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